Tag: Jentle

  • State of the Union 2017: Fountain Pen Ink

    State of the Union 2017: Fountain Pen Ink

    The last few years really have been a renaissance for Fountain Pens and this year is no different. Lots of expansions and additions to lineups and several standout inks. Iā€™m going to be talking about how various brands have performed this year and what I hope for next year. This will be, of course, focused…

  • Swatch Card Comparison

    Swatch Card Comparison

    I like to keep swatches of all my inks in a binder. In the past I’ve used Rhodia 80gsm but paper never felt right; too flimsy and I was never good at cutting accurate and consistent rectangles. In the past there was Maruman Mnemosyne Word Cards (which I never used), this year (2017) there is…