Tag: Hachimonjiya Jellyfish Aquarium

  • Retrospective: Friday June 18

    πŸ„ΌπŸ„ΈπŸ„½πŸ„Έ πŸ…πŸ„΄πŸ……πŸ„ΈπŸ„΄πŸ…†πŸ…‚ On Instagram! Bungubox Omaezaki Sunset πŸŒ… Diamine Autumn Oak πŸ‚ Pelikan Edelstein Amber More coming (somewhat periodically)… I’m expanding this Retrospectives to include recently inked pens, new acquisitions, music I am listening to and photos I’ve taken. This is in addition to a short reading list, links to minireviews, and what’s new with…